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Vantem - You Never Said (Dash Berlin Remix)

Rejections like an ice cold bath
but the waters feeling good this time
And I hate that I misread you boy
but I can't resist no crossings signs
when you're an open invitation, to a heartache,
a painful kind a good I should just leave alone but it's too late

I'm right back where I started out,
I'm not aloud to show just memories
But I took would I could get from you
Now I am off to feel the void you see
I gotta have been that can breaks, so does all the break-ins
And the hope is slowly heals because
I fall for the wounds whom were taken

Oh, you never said, you never said that I am your baby
You never said, you never said that I am the one
You never said you try, or that you take me or you leave me
You just said good bye,

You said good bye.

Следующая песня: W&W ft. Bree - Nowhere To Go
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