…Русский Мир — это когда всё хуёво, но всем похуй.

Santerna ft. Stine Grove - Somewhere Better

Living in a city of eternal grey
so many drab places
Living with a numbing everyday
with all too few smiling faces

Boredom is a friend of fear
waiting for tomorrow
Watch how light slowly disappear
the season's just for borrow

Walking up the hill of faith
somebody's calling at me
He woke me up – it was not too late
our liaison will always be

Lay me down and dream of you
The city of white castles
We'll fly away, pursue a true
life with no hassle

You gotta love the light
You gotta feel the warmth
There in The City of Love
In The City of Lights

Somewhere better

Следующая песня: Schiller - Let Me love You
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