…Россия — это абсолютное зло

Luke Bond ft. Roxanne Emery - On Fire

We stand by an open flame
We do not move
We're watching the fire burning

These flames, they burn right through
Could burn us alive
But I know these flames are the only thing
I need to survive

Whatever happened to our love
It was on fire, on fire

Whatever happened [2x]

I fall onto my knees, can't stand the pain
No one hears as I beg for rain
I know that all we are so less unburned
Play with fire, get burned

These flames, they burn right through
Could burn us alive
But I know these flames are the only thing
I need to survive

Whatever happened

Whatever happened to our love
It was on fire, on fire

But we get burned
But we don't care
Whatever happened

Следующая песня: Luminary - Amsterdam (Super8 & Tab Remix)
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