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Headstrong ft. Shelley Harland - Helpless

Sometimes I feel like I can't take it any more
Sometimes I feel helpless
Sometimes I feel stranded like i'm washed up on the shore
Sometimes I feel hopeless

But you rescue me
You take my hand
Standing in the light
Somehow you see the way I feel

And I'm helpless in your arms
Like I was helpless to a fear
And now i'm helpless
To a love that I had to give
To have you close to me

Sometimes when i'm dreaming
I just can't escape the fear
It always seems to find me
I run where I can hide
And I can't recognise the ghost
Something lost inside me

But when I wait until light breaks
I feel your love embrace
Caressing me possessing me

Can you hear the thoughts i'm thinking
Can you feel it in your soul
Do you believe that i've been saying
By a love you cant control

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