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Markus Schulz ft. Delacey - Destiny

Hello, how did you find me?
Where have you been hiding?
I know, that you remind me
This fire inside me

Feels like we met somewhere before
Saw you, my heart just hit the floor
This time i'm following the signs
This moment could flash before your eyes

So if we just can't get it right
Then maybe we'll try in another life
If I died in your arms tonight
Then baby I'll see you on the other side
So if we can't get it right
Then maybe we'll try in another life
If I died in your arms tonight
Then baby I'll see you on the other side

So alone, that i've been waiting
I've been, anxiously patience for our love to rule the nations
The future is what we are facing
What if we choose to turn the page?
Will that lead to the end of days?
Thats why you are the missing piece
Theres no way to run from destiny
So if we just can't get it right
Then maybe we'll try in another life
If I died in your arms tonight
Then baby i'll see you on the other side

Следующая песня: MaRLo ft. Emma Chatt - Leave My Hand
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