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Dash Berlin ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me

When all I want is for you to see
The side that I don't show to anyone
In fear that they may turn and run
Alone and incomplete
No more tears to cry
No more blood to bleed

I'll fall forever endlessly
When you should be the ground beneath my feet
The better half of me

When all I want is for you to see
The side that I don't show to anyone
In fear that they may turn and run
Alone and incomplete
No more tears to cry
No more blood to bleed

Broken promises that are like road kill
They're on the side of the street
Concrete casualties of love
Chewed up and spit out
Raise high then drop down and now
I don't know what's left of me

And I collect myself
And crawl through the shadows
Reach out my hand to the sky and shout out
I'll never make these same mistakes again
Cause someone out there holds the key to my heart
And do everything to tear it apart
By never allowing myself to let you in

When all I want is for you to see
The side that I don't show to anyone
In fear that they may turn and run
Alone and incomplete
No more tears to cry
No more blood to bleed

Следующая песня: Dash Berlin ft. Solid Sessions - Janeiro
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