…Россия — это когда уже хочется кушать, а всё самое страшное ещё впереди.

Masoud ft. Laurie - Blinded (Original Mix)

A city ripe with fallen angels
Wounded souls on vacant streets
The faces could be anyone of us
Faces we're too scared to meet

And they're reaching for a hand
We turn the other way
Pretend that we don't see
Don't know what to say

The struggle still remains
To find the strength inside
To do what's right

We've been blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to a time before
We were blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to another time

In every face is my reflection
We are all one in the same
Different phases and directions
Intersecting the same plane

And they're reaching for a hand
We turn the other way
Pretend that we don't see
Don't know what to say

The struggle still remains
To find the strength inside
To do what's right

We've been blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to a time before
We were blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to another time

We've been blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to a time before
We were blinded, oh
Let's rewind and go to another time

Следующая песня: Matt Darey & Stan Kolev ft. Aelyn - Follow You
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