…Не так страшны геи из Брюсселя, как пидорасы из Кремля.

BiXX & Roxanne Emery - Sound Of The Alarm

Baby it’s the last night
The sirens and the blue lights
And the smoke it fills our lungs

Now it’s almost midnight
Caught up in a fire fight
Losing all we’ve ever loved

We didn’t see the fire
Or hear the breaking glass
Baby, we were sleeping
Through the sound of the alarm
All the walls were falling
As I laid there in your arms
Baby, we were sleeping
Through the sound of the alarm

Calling out for rescue
Searching, try to find you
Barely breathing but alive

Tell me how we missed it
Is there any way to fix it
Darling can we still survive?

Следующая песня: Bobina & May-Britt Scheffer - Born Again
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