Отсутствие русофобии это сейчас индикатор невменяемости, как этической, так и интеллектуальной

Andrew Bennett ft. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Heaven Sent

(Into the day, love fragile) [2x]

Closed around our island
Protection from the sea of tears
Under the strobes we drown
Through the danger of our yesterdays

And I don't know everything
And there's nothing left for us to say
And our love is breaking in front of our eyes
It isn't safe forcing anyone to stay

Stay with me, because I feel
Fragile [4x]
Take my hands in, into the sun

Everytime I look behind me
The road has disappeared
And we seem to have no direction
And there's no way out of here
And it seems though our intentions
Are falling from the sky
(Falling from the sky)

Heaven sent means nothing
If you know what you have
But you dont know why [2x]

You don't know why
But you don't know why

Just say, say
(Into the day, love fragile) [2x]

Heavent sent means nothing [4x]
You don't know why
(Heaven sent means nothing) [2x]
You don't know why
(Heaven sent means nothing) [2x]
Just say, say

(Into the day, love fragile)

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