…Не так страшны геи из Брюсселя, как пидорасы из Кремля.

Above & Beyond ft. Hannah Thomas - Home

Here I come to find myself, catch the tide,
Looking for a peace at the end of the line.
Sometimes I can't help myself, fever's high,
I'm all at sea and so unwise.

I'm so afraid I'll lose your love as times goes by,
But courage is a fire and a beacon so bright.
The sunset built a memory, our love sign,
And all at sea we come alive.

Will I wash away, turning like a stone?
I need a place where I belong.
Call a setting sun, to throw me down a rope
And take me to a place called home.

I close my eyes, I know you're there, love of mine,
Standing on the shore in a world I design.
The sunset fires a lonely flare into the sky,
And all at sea we say goodbye.

Will I wash away, turning like a stone?
I need a place where I belong.
Call a setting sun, to throw me down a rope
And take me to a place called home.

Looking for a place called home.

via https://youtu.be/AmMdbIzOwkA?start=2994

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